Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Graduate. Buy a Scuba suit and the DVD.

The review should be posted up no later than 11/22/2013-Cheapo
Post will be up VERY soon(about 1-3 hours). Grandma in Canada had medical issues(appendicitis)  past few days, so I was preoccupied. The good news is shes age 94 and still chugging along~. Thanks for believing!

The Graduate.

(Make sure to grab a scuba suit.)
note: This is a ImProv type review, Where I write a quick review based on what I watched, and it aimed towards people whom I assume have either watched the movie, or are planning to watch the movie. I reference and summarize some parts of the movie so that I will be able to describe that specific scene with greater detail.(since the way its show also links up to the actual story).

You will notice that I reference certain parts of the move that you may, or may not have noticed. This review is To display what I experienced while watching the video, and is my personal take on the movie. also: SPOILERS AHOY!

Yet again, It its time for another review!

(you should know where to find the title by now... correct?)

But before we start this video, I do have to forewarn you: I'm a comedy guy, Not much of a Drama guy. So I'll probably focus on the comedic parts of the movie.

If there is one thing this movie is good at (besides being super serious at dramatic parts),
Is using a form of comedy I would call "Awkward duckling".

A good way to describe this type of comedy is:
The funny person isn't trying to be funny, the way he/she awkward reacts to his/her environment is the funny part.

Ie: sticking a cat in the shower and turning the shower on.  (cat freaks out)

Now This kind of comedy has many limiting factors(awkwardness alone isn't enough to win the audience). But to overcome such limits, Techniques can be used enhances/exaggerates the awkwardness.

The Graduate does any excellent job at these said enhancements, and uses Camera work (angles, point of view) + Sound design to maximize the awkwardness of the current situation.

Since this kinda of comedy is hard to pull off on the big screen, its rare to see it employed.

Situation A: The Scuba suit.

First the did an establishing shot so you the view will know what sort of awkward situation Benjamin is in.

Wideshot: Benjamin is in a scuba suit. What a fun birthday gift.

Then the movie lets you see what Benjamin sees. Notice the restricted vision which is used to represent the mask that is wearing.

But What you can't see from my pictures is sound effects (if you can hear it... good for you).
one obvious sound effect is the breathing. you can tell he is having a bit of am issue.

But one effect that is missing... Is the sound of the surrounding. From Benjamin's point of view, He can't hear the surroundings clearly. 

View through diving mask: Adventures await me in my backyard pool.

an encouraging push.

As Benjamin enters the water, You can hear the water as he submerges. (And you can see that the creators also seemed to have submerged the camera. good job!). Then they decide to end the scene with Benjamin submerged in his backyard pool.

I'll Stay down here for a bit....

situation B: At the hotel

Benjamin is up to no good at the hotel. First they established what the environment is:
notice the guy at the table, And the wooden desk parts to the left.

And you can guess, Benjamin suspiciously hangs out at the wooden desk parts. 

And after a while, The guy takes notice and asks benjamin the perfect question.
"are you here for an affair?" (he means the dinner party affair*)

And of course the face on Benjamin is priceless. Notice how the wood desk pieces are still there, meaning its the same place. (continuity) 

(Oh god. busted....)

sounds funny right? Probably not. These are but observations based off my my personal viewing of the movie.

what I describe to you carries little essence to what the movie actually has to offer.
These awkward scene can't be perfectly executed with just pictures and caption, Its the perfect combination of sound, image and video which encapsulates this kind of comedy.

My recommendation is to GO WATCH THE MOVIE.

So Here's the price I would Give this movie:

Price of DVD, and a scuba suit.
(msrp: about 20$ +200$)

The Graduate May have been one of my lesser favorite types of movies (drama), but I can't deny that its a well executed movie. The comedy bits that the movie employs are all executed perfectly and enhance the viewer experience.  Due to a mix of good sound mixing, good acting, and good camera work, I can recommend this to most people. 
If you are sensitive to sexual content, or could careless about dramas, I would recommend against watching the video.

sources cited:
The Graduate. Dir. Mike Nichols Embassy Pictures.

Netflix( how I re-viewed the movie so I could take screenshots.)

Wikipedia (I forgot the main characters name...)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Worth more than a Marble Top sink.

Note: The review is mostly done, I just gotta properlly upload my illustrations later.

Never mind, Don't Have the time. (Guess you could say... I got *cheap*)

A Bit ago I watched a movie called:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

(You can probally guess what the movie I'm reviewing now right?)

note: This is a ImProv type review, Where I write a quick review based on what I watched, and it aimed towards people whom I assume have either watched the movie, or are planning to watch the movie. I reference and summarize some parts of the movie so that I will be able to describe that specific scene with greater detail.(since the way its show also links up to the actual story).

You will notice that I reference certain parts of the move that you may, or may not have noticed. This review is To display what I experienced while watching the video, and is my personal take on the movie. also: SPOILERS AHOY!

This movie was pretty much a peek into the chaos; a closer look at mental institutions.

It depicts the horrors of what possibly happens in mental institutions, and its brings a good, humanly trait to those who are within them.

In the beginning, There intro shows you a longshot of a sunrise, along with native american-ish music in the back ground as you see the ordeal begin.

In sorts the scene is "taking you to the chaos". I feel the sunrise represent this is the beginning.

From the first time peek inside the place, you can FEEL that something is wrong. The mental institute seems a bit to white(color), too perfect, too clean. The "loonies" are doing their everyday thing and
"medication times" goes off without problem. Its feels like the system is working

                               (Not a spec of dirt to be found.)

Then Randle Patrik McMurphy "Mac"(Jack Nicholson) arrives in cuffs, to be evaluated.

For the first part of the movie, you quickly get introduced to the other people in the institute.

  • Martini who's childish.
  •  "Chief", an native american and deaf*. 
  • Billy Bibbit, indecisive, shy and stutters 
  • (and couple of other loonies)

All of which are performed by actors who are very good at portraying Their said "mental" characters, and give the audience the impression that "these people are crazy, Maybe this place can help them."

If you think about Billy Bibbits script, Its probably just say to stutter. It is up to the actor him self to bring life to this stutter!

From the initial appearance of how the actors, you feel that these people are just crazy people that need fixing.(It also make you ask if the actors are normally like this in real life~)

Mildred Ratched (Louise Fletcher), the nurse, gets the spot light. Shes is the "villain" of the movie.
Louise Fletcher does a marvelous job in making just about any viewer HATE nurse Rached. and that's a good thing. (I think shes meant to be hated)

She has that tone, the snood, the manipulative aspect  that most people hate

(Just look at this angled up medium shot of the nurse. How can that not be the face of evil? ) 

Mac, The Main guy, isn't crazy. Maybe a little hotheaded and morally off, but I felt that he wasn't crazy.

During The shower scene you get your 1st reoccurring imagery. The Marble top sink.
where mac claims he could break out by lifting the marble top sink, and throwing it though the window.

Although it just seems to be a random boast, and seems to be a small part of the plot line, it will eventually reemerge with more important significance. Its something over the top, and meant to be something remembered by the audience. (hint hint. Remember this!)

(By the way. He fails.)

As movie goes on, Mac befriends the other loonies, and starts to do fun exciting stuff with them as fishing trips, parties, and other stuff that break free of their normal boring daily schedules. Weather it be a basket ball game with the chief or a fishing trip with the guys, you start to feel that the loonies, aren't just crazy animals that must be fixed, but instead humans(a little different, but still humans.)

The actors not only act like a loony, but they act like people. Real life humans, someone you can relate with.
The loonies suddenly become people, respectable people.

(Epic medium shot of fish catch)

But things start to take a turn for the worse. Even though the doctors think Mac isn't nuts, Nurse Rached still wants to keep him at the institute. And you Slowly Start to see things get "dirty".

As the nurse tries to "fix" the patients, It seems like the patients are actually getting worse.
Then a fight break out, and Mac, Martini, crazy dude, and the Chief Get sent to be punished.
(During this part, Mac Finds out the Chief isn't deaf, and they quickly become closer friends.)

(hmmmm... close up of juicy fruit gum. Clearly not advertisement)

Whats Mac's punishment?:  Electroconvulsive therapy
(pretty much they zap you with electricity)

Nearing the end of the movie, The setting gets bit darker, and feels less perfect.
(especially when compared to the beginning of the movie.)

The former "stability" from earlier in the movie is lost, and all hell has broke loose in the final part of the movie. Billy Babbit, who seemed to have gotten better, gets worse and Suicides after being judged and threatened by Nurse Rached.  Mac Looses his marbles and attacks Nurse Rached (finally). And Mac Gets Lobotomized. (you get turned into a vegetable)

The movie Ends with the Cheif putting Mac out of this miserable state (death by pillow),
And escaping via the MARBLE TOP SINK as described by mac earlier in the movie.

(The whole time Chief was listening. He even escaped via the exaggerated means that Mac tried earlier. Reoccurring imagery. Mind blown yet?)

Then Briefly escaping to the background of the Night sky. Signaling the end of the ordeal.

(Not sure if this counts, but this also links to the sunrise in the beginning.)

So Here's the price I would Give this movie:


The movie was excellently executed. had good camera work, a good color shift as the story progress, perfect portray of the loonies, an evil nurse. etc. The characters played perfectly by their respective actors immerse you into the story. Imagery and repeated themes that stick to the audience's memory,  a pretty respectable look at mental institutions and the fact that crazy people are still people leaves a lasting affect on the viewer.

And In the end, It leaves the audience questioning: What really happens in a mental institute?

Though I would probably recommend People to watch this, I would probably Advise them against it just due some of the frightening and unsettling imagery presented in the movie.

(ps: Did the Death by Pillow cliche get started with the movie?)

Sources Cited:
[Seriously, these are the only sources I used. Any relation to any other theory is purely coincidental.
I watched the movie in class, then watched again with Netflix while using windows snipping tool to take screen shot. Wikipedia was to Make sure I slept the terminology and names correct. (and to get the actors names)]

Wikipedia: (Gotta make sure I spelt the names right)'s_Nest_(film)

Netflix: (I took screen shots from netflix)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Worth a bag of Bolivian Gold.

Caution: This is an overall review of a Movie.

Today I will be reviewing a movie. It's name? (In case you didn't read the title...)

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Epic Medium Shot:

This movie was originally screened  in 1969. 1969!

But don't just push aside this old movie for its age, It may be old, but its gold~.
It had action, it had laughs, It had explosions and it had llamas.
(They should probably lock this movie up in a safe because Butch and Sundance would probably steal it!)

For a Movie, It does the irregular; It makes you falling love with The bad guys.

They Give a Good amount of humanly traits such as Socialable, Humorous , cleverness That just make them so Likable.

And a Lot of these traits can be portrayed via the cinematography.

One example is an over the shoulder shot Shows Etta Watching Butch Riding his Mechanical Horse.
The Colors are Bright, And give this parts like portray happy good time emotions to the viewers.

Butch and Sundance Aren't The sheriffs of this western flick, They are the robbers, The Bandits, The Bandidos Yanquis.

They make a good point of their nefarious deeds this throughout the movie.

Close up shots of wanted posters (They got one in Spanish too!) Show That other people really don't like These bandits as much as you would have.

(Close up of Wanted poster shows lots of details. Gives slight comedic effect due to how the main characters are portrayed in the picture)

They seem to be above the law, they pretty much have control over the last town they resided in. Even during shots of The sheriff trying to rally up a riot against them, the Bandits felt to be "above the law".

this Medium Shot(angled downwards) portrays it almost literally. Big Sundance Looks down upon tiny little Sheriff off in the distance.


All of their heists have been pretty successful, Until E. H. Harriman Hire up a Special hitman Team to track them down. Even though they had a names, and they were Clearly human, They didn't really feel Human. They were portrayed only in the distance, and The view Never really get to see their faces.
They were the unstoppable force, The Terminators of the old west. I Felt That portraying them as non-human Super force Really did Make them Fiercer, Scarier, and it helps build the tense situation.

Just think about it. Most of the time, They are portrayed as a Galloping cloud of dust in the distance.... Always on your tracks... Never giving up.....

(long shot Showing The Hitman team's approach. The Dark setting helps put emphasis on the hit-men)

Which eventually Causes Them Flee to Bolivia. Where they Steal more stuff.

Where The color was dull and drab back in a America, the color's got a brighter hue, and much more vibrant while in Bolivia (probably to show Bolivia as a place of opportunity to the main characters.)

The movie was an excellent movie, and I would definitely Watch again another day.

It uses lots of pretty Modern Camera techniques, And scene portrayals That you still see to this day, along with a lot of cliches(such as montages) that people still love.

(ie: Long shots to show big Explosions)

Although the Ending Seems Pretty unlikely they won the fire fight, It Never Really showed Them dying either. So I believe after this fight, They went to Australia, And are currently robbing banks while riding kangaroos.

So Here's the price I would Give this movie:

(Assuming that it's all solid gold coins*)

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid have what makes a good movie: Good story, good camera work, good post editing. If someone watched this movie today, I'm pretty sure it would still hold up to today's films. (some might mistake it for a modern film that's trying to emulate older films!)

This Movie Is good at portraying emotions to the audience, And it should deserve many rewards.
(Edit: They did win a lot of rewards)


A Lot of the Pictures were pulled from a dvd copy of the movie.
dvd version: 20th century fox, 2006, widescreen Release

And The drawings were drawn by me Based from the screen shots.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hello potential movie viewers

I am the Cheapo Movie Reviewer.

My job?
Watch and Price movies.

Every movie has a price;
This "price" Is the maximum price I believe one would pay to view this movie.
The Better the movie, The higher the price.

If the movie was horrible, It'll get a NEGATIVE price;
The price the theater would have to pay you to watch the awful movie.

As an added bonus:
I will try to avoid using ANY screenshots, and will instead illustrate every scene that I need in ms Paint.
-Warning: I am Not an artist.
(even if I was an artist, I will draw all the scenes badly on purpose).